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Where there is devotional music, God with his grace is always present.

J. S. Bach

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Chant Library
Adoro te devote (A.M.)
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas, Quae sub his figuris vere latitas: Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit, Quia te contemplans ...
Chant Library
ReQUIEM aetérnam dona eis Dómine: et lux perpétua lúceat eis. V/. In memória aetérna erit justus: ab...
Shared Library
Agnus - Mass I "Lux et origo"
Shared Library
God of compassion
SATB hymn to begin a semester or any journey. Music by Colin Brumby
Chant Library
Te Martyrum
AlLELÚIA. ij. V/. Te Mártyrum candidátus láudat exércitus, Dómine.
Shared Library
Four Marian Hymns by Colin Brumby
1. Hail, Queen of Heaven 2. Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother 3. Immaculate Mary 4. Hail, holy Queen
CML Library
How firm a foundation
1. How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in his excellent Word! What more can he say than to you he has said,...
Shared Library
Psalm 146 Blessed the poor in spirit
responsorial psalm by Dylan Fay, Center for Music and Liturgy. freely shared
Chant Library
Psalmus 23, 1-2 e 7-10
Dómini est térra, et quæ réplent éam, órbis terrárum, et qui hábitant in éo. 2. Nam ípse súper mária fundávit éum: et súper...
Chant Library
Praefatio solemnis paschalis
Per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. R/. Amen. V/. Dóminus vobíscum. R/. Et cum spíritu tuo. V/. Sursum corda. R/. Habémus ad Dóminum....
Chant Library
O Sophia
O Sophía quam María incarnátam édidit. 2. Nec sic florem vel decórem castitátis pérdidit. 3. Ex pro tanto tibi canto laudes benefício. 4. Nam...
Chant Library
Salve, Mater
Allelúia. V/. Salve, Mater misericórdiæ, Mater spei et grátiæ, o María.
Chant Library
Ergone Coelestium
1. Ergone cœlestium Auctor et Rex maximus Amat hic hospitium! Ergo nobis proximus Terras Deus habitat! 2. Cœli vastis orbibus Si non circumscribitur, Templorum...
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