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Chant Library
Kyrie IX
Kyrie eléison. Kýrie eléison. Kýrie eléison. Chríste eléison. Chríste eléison. Chríste eléison. Kýrie eléison. Kýrie eléison. Kýrie eléison.
CML Library
Sing the joy of Easter day
Sing the joy of Easter Day, The Easter triumph tell, Jesus rose on Easter Day, The Lord who loves us well. 1. Good Joseph had a garden; Amid its trees so...
CML Library
Ubi caritas: Where there is charity
Where there is charity and love, there the God of love abides. 1. The love of Christ has gathered us as one; rejoice in him with joy that he imparts Let us...
Shared Library
Come, Lord Jesus, come
by Charlie Romano. In honor of Archbishop emeritus Harry Joseph Flynn.
Shared Library
Psalm 45 The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold
Ps. 45:10, 11, 12, 16 • composed by Jeff Ostrowski • creative commons license.
CML Library
Psalm 116 - Year B, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. I love the LORD because he has heard my voice in supplication, because he has inclined his ear to me the day...
Chant Library
Diffusa est gratia... allel.
Diffúsa est grátia in lábiis tuis, Allelúia, allelúia. V/. Proptérea benedíxit te Deus in ætérnum. Allelúia... Glória. Diffúsa.
Shared Library
Music for the Roman Missal - Kyrie
CML Library
Psalm 15 The One who Does Justice
Refrain: The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord. Verse 1 Whoever walks blamelessly and does justice; who thinks the truth in his heart and slanders not with his...
cloud hymnal Cloud Hymnal · Guided Tour
Hi! This is the Guided Tour Message!