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Richard Gard at STM Choirs
2023-01-27 ● 1 page ● 234 views
St. Antoine Daniel Kyriale
2018-08-10 ● 2 pages ● 4,677 views
Karolina Wojteczko at STM Choirs
2023-08-23 ● 2 pages ● 499 views ● 3 times added to a Music List
Karolina Wojteczko at STM Choirs
2023-10-18 ● 1 page ● 188 views ● 1 time added to a Music List
Gabrael StClair at Saint Thomas More Chapel at Yale
2017-04-04 ● 2 pages ● 3,721 views ● 2 times saved as Favorite ● 1 time added to a Music List
MIDI file can be found at
Richard Gard at Thursday Small Church Community
2017-05-29 ● 2 pages ● 3,116 views ● 1 time added to a Music List
by John Mundy, transcribed by James Gibb. Choral Public Domain License.
Richard Gard at Saint Thomas More Chapel at Yale
2019-03-02 ● 1 page ● 670 views
A favorite the Irish and the Irish-at-heart.
Carolyn Stanhope at Carolyn
2019-04-14 ● 1 page ● 1,343 views ● 1 time added to a Music List
In the Morning of My Life
St. Antoine Daniel Kyriale
2018-08-10 ● 3 pages ● 10,943 views ● 1 time added to a Music List
dawn taylor-groom at Colin's Library
2017-03-08 ● 2 pages ● 7,162 views ● 1 time saved as Favorite ● 3 times added to a Music List
varied chant and SATB verses to welcome winter. music by Colin Brumby
cloud hymnal Cloud Hymnal · Guided Tour
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