They crucified my Lord, Laid him in the tomb, Now lies the son of God in death's sable gloom.
The man of grief and toil There in silence lies; Death has within its coil God of earth and skies.
But behold, there was an earthquake, For from heaven there came an angel With a countenance like lightning, And a raiment white as snow. When at dawn came Mary Magdalene, 'Twas the angel's voice which said: "Lo! He is not here but risen!" Christ is risen from the dead. (He who for the world's salvation bled, now is risen, risen from the dead; Glory honor we will ever sing, Praise to our risen, risen King.) Hallelujah, sing with hearts to heav'n and voices raise, (And) Ever shout, ye ransomed ones for you his blood was shed; Sing a hymn of gladness, sing to God a hymn of Praise, Christ the Lord is ris'n indeed, is risen from the dead.