Beatus vir qui timet

BeÁTUS vir
qui timet Dóminum,
qui mandátis ejus cupit nimis V/. Potens in terra erit semen ejus: generátio rectórum benedicétur. V/. Glória et divítiae in domo ejus,
et justítia ejus manet
in saéculum saéculi.

BLESSED is the man who fears the Lord, who desires his commandments exceedingly V/. His seed shall be mighty inthe earth: the generation of the righteous shall be blessed. V/. Glory and riches in his house, and hisrighteousness remains forever.
BIENAVENTURADO el hombre que teme al Señor, que desea en gran manera sus mandamientos V/. Su descendenciaserá poderosa en la tierra: la generación de los justos será bendita. V/. Gloria y riquezas en su casa, y sujusticia permanece para siempre.

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