Factus est Dominus

Factus est
Dóminus protéctor meus,
et edúxit me in latitúdinem: salvum me fecit,
quóniam vóluit me. Ps. Díligam te Dómine fortitúdo mea:
Dóminus firmaméntum meum,
et refúgium meum,
et liberátor meus. Glória Patri. E u o u a e.

The Lord became my protector, and he brought me out into the open: he made me safe, because he wanted me. Ps. Ilove you, O Lord, with my strength: the Lord is my firmament, and my refuge, and my deliverer. Glory. E u o u a e.
El Señor se convirtió en mi protector, y me sacó a la luz: me puso a salvo, porque me quería. Sal. Te amo, ohSeñor, con mi fuerza: el Señor es mi firmamento, y mi refugio, y mi libertador. Gloria. E u o u a e.

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