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Where there is devotional music, God with his grace is always present.

J. S. Bach

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Kyrie - Mass X "Alme Pater" Organ
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Credo III
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Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Psalmus 116)
Laudáte Dóminum, ómnes géntes : greheightstar laudáte eum, omnes pópuli: Quóniam confirmáta est super nos misericórdia ejus : greheightstar et véritas Dómini manet in aetérnum. Glória...
Chant Library
Praefatio solemnis de sancto Ioseph, Sponso B. M. V.
Per omnia sǽcula sæculórum. R/. Amen. V/. Dóminus vobíscum. R/. Et cum spíritu tuo. V/. Sursum corda. R/. Habémus ad Dóminum. V/. Grátias agámus Dómino, Deo nostro. R/....
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Kyrie - Mass XI "Orbis factor"
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Kyrie - Mass IX "Cum jubilo"
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