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Where there is devotional music, God with his grace is always present.

J. S. Bach

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Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
You may freely use and copy this score. If you have the free software MuseScore installed you may find the score in MuseScore file format on ww.cafe-puccini.dk for voice practice.
Chant Library
Adoro te devote (A.M.)
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas, Quae sub his figuris vere latitas: Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit, Quia te contemplans ...
Chant Library
Dominus dixit
Allelúia. ij. V/. Dóminus dixit ad me: Fílius meus es tu, ego hódie génui te.
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Kyrie - Mass IX "Cum jubilo" Organ
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Gloria - Mass VIII "De Angelis"
Chant Library
Miris modis repente liber
Miris modis repénte liber, férrea, Christo jubénte, vincla Petrus éxuit: Ovílis ille pastor et rector grégis, Vitæ reclúdit páscua...
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Credo V Organ
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