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Where there is devotional music, God with his grace is always present.

J. S. Bach

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Litany of the Saints
The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chant Library
Qui meditabitur
Qui meditábitur in lege Dómini die ac nocte, dabit fructum suum in témpore suo.
Shared Library
Sanctus - Mass X "Alme Pater"
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Credo IV Organ
CML Library
Isaiah 12: You will draw water
You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation, you will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation. 1.God indeed is my savior. I am unafraid, my courage...
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Adoration & Benediction
Worship aid with benediction
Chant Library
Signum Magnum
SiGNUM magnum appáruit in caelo: múlier amícta sole, et luna sub pédibus ejus, et in cápite ejus coróna stellárum duódecim. Ps. Cantáte...
Chant Library
Tantum ergo XV
Tantum ergo Sacraméntum Venerémur cérnui : Et antíquum documéntum Nóvo cédat rítui : Praéstet fídes suppleméntum Sénsuum deféctui. 2.Genitóri, Genitóque Laus et jubilátio, Sálus, hónor, vírtus...
Chant Library
Homo quidam
Homo quídam fécit coénam mágnam, et mísit sérvum súum hóra coénae dícere invitátis, ut venirent : Quia paráta sunt ómnia. ...
Chant Library
Deus enim
Deus enim firmávit orbem terrae, qui non commovébitur: paráta sedes tua, Deus, ex tunc, a saéculo ...
Chant Library
Dominus regnavit, decorem
AlLELÚIA. ij. V/. Dóminus regnávit, decórem índuit: índuit Dóminus fortitúdinem, et praecínxit se virtúte.
Chant Library
Viderunt omnes
Vidérunt omnes fines terræ salutáre Dei nostri: jubiláte Deo omnis terra. V/. Notum fecit Dóminus salutáre suum: ante conspéctum géntium ...
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