1. Come, Holy Spirit, visit us;
Come, Holy Spirit, warm our hearts;
Come, Creator Spirit, fill us with grace:
Pour out your blest heavenly gifts upon this place.
2. Come, Holy Spirit, Comforter;
Come, Holy Spirit, gift most pure;
Come, O Blessed Wellspring, fill from above:
Fountain of love, fire and life, and healing salve.
3. Come, Holy Spirit, touch of God;
Come, as you fulfill the Father's word;
Come, O tongue of fire, refine our speech,
Blessing us with sevenfold gifts, Lord, we beseech.
4. Come, Holy Spirit, grant us peace;
Come, Holy Spirit. let strife cease;
Come, consoling Spirit, bless us we pray:
Cast out the foe, lead us, O Lord, upon life's way.
5. All glory to our Father God,
And glory to our risen Lord;
And unto the Spirit, the Paraclete,
Worship and praise, honor and thanks, are ever meet.