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Yale 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Created by Gard, Richard at Saint Thomas More Chapel at Yale on 2019-02-11
Liturgy for Feb 24, 2019. Compiled by Ned Vogel. Your community must have the to see the Gold icons.
music_note Holy manna
music_note Glory to God - Mass of Welcome
music_note Psalm 103 The Lord is kind and merciful
music_note Gospel Acclamation - Mass of Welcome
music_note One there is, above all others
music_note Holy, holy, holy - Mass of Welcome
music_note Memorial Acclamation - Mass of Welcome
music_note Amen - Mass of Welcome
music_note Lamb of God - Mass of Welcome
music_note Love one Another
music_note We Remember
music_note There's a wideness in God's mercy
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