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Yale - 2nd Sunday of Easter SPANISH
Created by Gard, Richard at Saint Thomas More Chapel at Yale on 2021-04-09
for April 11, 2021. List compiled by Ned Vogel. All music copyright by OneLicense and requires a OneLicense membership for your community,
music_note Resucitó/He Is Risen
music_note Salmo 117: Éste Es el Día / Psalm 118: This Is the Day
music_note Misa Hispana - Aleluya
music_note Cristo Resucitó
music_note Holy, Holy, Holy / Santo (Misa Luna)
music_note Memorial Acclamation A / Aclamación Memorial I (Misa Luna)
music_note Great Amen / Gran Amén (Misa Luna) [Doxology and / Doxología y ]
music_note Lamb of God / Cordero de Dios (Misa Luna)
music_note Aleluya, Aleluya
music_note Alleluia, Risen Christ / Aleluya, Cristo Jesús Resucitado
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