On this Day, O Beautiful Mother
by Lambilotte
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On this day, O beautiful Mother,
On this day we give thee our love;
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.

1. On this day we ask to share,
Dearest Mother, thy sweet care;
Aid us ere our feet astray
Wander from thy guiding way.
On this day, O beautiful Mother,
On this day we give thee our love;
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.

2. Rose of Sharon, lovely flow'r,
Heav'nly bud of Eden's bow'r,
Cherished lily of the vale,
Virgin Mother, thee we hail!
On this day, O beautiful Mother,
On this day we give thee our love;
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.

3. Fast our days of life we run,
Soon the night of death will come;
Tower of strength, in that dread hour,
Come, with all thy gentle pow'r.
On this day, O beautiful Mother,
On this day we give thee our love;
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.

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