Inclina Domine

aurem tuam ad me,
et exáudi me : salvum fac servum tuum,
Deus meus,
sperántem in te : miserére mihi,
quóniam ad te clamávi tota die.
V/. Lætífica ánimam servi tui,
quia ad te,
ánimam meam levávi.

Incline, O Lord, thine ear unto me, and hear me: save thy servant, my God, who trusteth in thee: have mercy on me, OLord, for I have cried unto thee all day long. V/. Rejoice the soul of your servant, for I have lifted up mysoul to you, O Lord.
Inclina, oh Señor, a mí tu oído, y escúchame; salva a tu siervo, mi Dios, que en ti confía; ten misericordia demí, oh Señor, porque a ti he clamado todo el día. V/. Alégrate el alma de tu siervo, porque a ti he elevadomi alma, oh Señor.

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